Unfortunately D. Quality Control Q092 isn’t all that photogenic, do urge you to come and inspect him in the “Flesh”. Sadly we can’t show you his Dynamic Dam she had to be euthanised earlier this week after being diagnosed with Liver Cancer, Vale D. Annie G037. However, we can show you his full brother D. New Approach N208 (represented in the Sale by 13 Sons-don’t miss Q199), his full sister Q109(A.I. E.T.) on the point of calving, and his half sister Q181 one of the “Natural Twins” from G037 also on the point of calving, G037’s other Twin Q182 by D. Medaglia M028(represented in the Sale by 18 sons) topped our Autumn Female production Sale at $15K. Q182 calved (unassisted) the day we had to euthanise G037. No doubting Q092’s Family it is stacked with ideal performance.
What of Q092 Himself?
Quite frankly I believe him to be The Bull for Now and into the foreseeable Future. He has the Ability to-:
- Moderate extremes in growth and Mature Cow size, yet passing sufficient substance to those cows for them to be able to produce Feeder cattle progeny capable of meeting the 400 kg Carcase requirements of the Heavy Grain Fed Market
- Produce offspring with the all important Do Ability Trait, note his exemplary body capacity, depth and width across the chest floor. He also exhibits the all important mid maturity pattern allowing his progeny the opportunity of finishing early.
- Produce progeny with improved Beef Yield, note the muscle to bone, Dick Whale has scored him a 40 for muscling, that’s a solid “B”, cover is even and adequate.
- Q092 is “clean” through the brisket, no excess, no waste.
- Produce progeny with ample pelvic capacity and with the preferred Pelvic shape thereby promoting the all important Calving Ease.
- Pass on that tight sheath, clean underline, reduced navel
- Pass on his extremely sound structure, particularly Feet, Dick rated him 23 for front feet and 24 for back feet, back heel depth particularly impressive. Dick graded Q092 a 7
- Pass on that all important, particularly from a Bull breeding perspective, Angus Head. Width between eyes, prominent Poll, strong wide muzzle with a powerful bottom jaw.
D. Quality Control Q092’s Performance Data
Q092 an E.T. Calf, was reared on a recipient D41, during the worst year in history.
Weaned: Q092 weaned 11/12/2019 at 137 days weighing 201 kg for a gain of 1.46kg/day
Ratio 100. Number in group 57
Yearling Weight: on 19/08/20 aged 385 days he weighed 458kg Gain 1.19kg/day
Ratio 109. Number in group 60
Gain Weaning to Yearling: 1.04kg/day at pasture over winter, Target 1.00kg/day.
Scan data: Scanned 8/04/21 Number in group from mid December through to Scan date 32.
Weight. A.D.G. Ratio. P8 Rib. IMF% Ratio. E.M.A. Ratio. Scrotal. Ratio
705kg. 1.19kg. 109. 5. 4. 5.9%. 111. 105. 103. 40 103
A very impressive set of Data that has led to a stellar set of EBV’s
We are convinced Q092 is an outstanding “All-Rounder” worthy of a thorough inspection should Stud duties be on the cards. Should he breed as well as brother N208 then the investment will have been well and truely worth it.