Lot 2 Dulverton Smart Missile S068

Dulverton Smart Missile S068 is right up there amongst the most complete Young Guns bred in the Dulverton herd. Each year at weaning the process of selecting potential heifer sires begins in earnest. The selection criteria includes-:
             1) A powerful Maternal pedigree with Calving Ease, Longevity and carcass merit particularly carcass measured marbling evident.
             2) A Sire exhibiting structural soundness, calving ease and carcass merit including carcass measured Marbling.
             3) the calves own structural soundness including do-ability, and within herd growth rate

1) S068 has a super Maternal pedigree, his dam M191 had reared four including S068, she is still active having just weaned a Goalkeeper bull with a daily gain of 1.34kg/day. S068’s maternal grand dam had reared seven and is from the Lisa family which traces back to our The Basin foundation cow G117. Lisa M191 is by Black Pearl a bull who has proven himself at Dulverton per favour of D. Montjeu M013 over heifers and in a number of large commercial herds (bred by A.I.) as a calving ease specialist with better than average growth.
S068’s maternal grand dam is by D. Corker C199, himself a proven promoter of that invaluable trait Longevity which he obviously inherited from the famous D. Mandy family. There are still six “G” cows (rising 12) in the Dulverton herd by Corker, he was retired at John Turnbull’s Ebor property as a nine year old. D. Corker did prove himself in his cohort of the Angus young sire benchmark program for his marbling ability. Marbling not IMF% along with Tenderness are the Eating Quality determining traits.

2) Dick Whale did suggest Enhance would be a very suitable sire for us to use in our program. Dick’s research had revealed Enhance to possess desirable structural soundness attributes plus Enhance scored the perfect 10 for both Tenderness and Carcass Marbling. I think it is safe to say that no other Igenity Beef Profile tested sires in Australia can boast the perfect 10 for Tenderness and Marbling other than Dulverton Smart Missile S058, he has been retained in the Dulverton herd.
We were very keen to select from the Enhance progeny group to fulfil our Heifer sire battery, we did find the four S048, S058 (retained), S068 & S082. Enhance has seventeen “S” daughters retained in the stud.

3) S068 along with his mate S082 were the “Wow Factor” bulls of the “S” weaners. S068 has the most amazing skin, better than any other Dulverton Bull I can remember, he carries little to no hair, the hair that is obviously present is “silk” like. It is these skin attributes that are proven indicators of quality, doing ability quality plus that finer texture so important to promoting tenderness and resistance to the bite. S068 is set up on great feet note the depth of his back heels yet he maintains very desirable flex in his hocks as he moves. S068’s head has “Sire” appeal, long enough yet still wide across the forehead, he has a pronounced poll and a wide muzzle supported by a strong bottom jaw.

S068 had very desirable growth, he weaned at 350kg (1.49kg/day) and was 468kg (1.21kg/day) in mid August when we started Identifying the Heifer Bulls to use.

The Igenity Beef Profile supported our desire to use S068 over the heifers BW 3; CED 7; CEM 8. In addition S068 scored 9 for Tenderness and 8 for Marbling.

For all of the reasons mentioned above we decided to use both SO68 & S058 as the A.I. Sires over our heifers.
Dulverton Smart Missile S068 is a special.

Posted in : Chap's Chatter