Dulverton Annie Q182

When Sal and I catalogued Annie Q182 we did consider her to be an attraction given the Super performance of her dam Annie G037 and  the yet to fully unfold performance prowess of her sire Medaglia M028. We didn’t dream for one minute she would be the Sale topper at a very healthy $15,000.

What has made Annie Q182 a Standout?

1) Her Pedigree

  • Q182’s sire D. Medaglia M028, is structurally super sound and oh so Athletic
  • D. Medaglia M028 represented in the Sale by two other daughters D. Pixie Q161 and Kitty Q259 grading 6 & 5 respectively. Q161 scored amongst the top on our Customised Igenity Beef Value Determining Trait Index at 57.5
  • D.Megadlia M028 has eleven “Q” Heifers retained in the Stud.
  • Paternally Q182’s pedigree contains two Sires who have worked an absolute treat here at Dulverton in Carabar Gun Smoke and Booroomooka Frankel both trace back to that mighty cow Booroomooka Tracy T4. Tracy T4 is out of Summitcrest Blackcap Mary E210 by Summitcrest Scotchcap OB45 a renowned Marbling performer.
  • Fred Johnson the Principal of Summitcrest was full of praise for this cow Families ability to not only improve Carcase Marbling and Saleable Beef Yield but also to maintain the maternally important on farm traits of Fertility, Do-Ability and Longevity. Note Fred was a total devotee to promoting Beef Eating Quality, at the time when we selected embryos from his Blackcap, Pixie and Erica families he was the Founding Chairman of still the World’s most successful Beef Brand in CAB.
  • Annie Q182’s Maternal pedigree is also a Gem, she is out of our very best cow in Annie G037. G037 is by a bull who has done a super job in the Dulverton Herd in T.C. Franklin 619, he bred even better in the Wattletop Herd of Lock Rodgers eg G188 and his son K252.

G037 is the dam of D. New Approach N208, N208 has sired D. Quality Approach Q066 who we used in a mob of 53 “M” & “L” Cows to mop up the A.I.in that mob. To our absolute joy that mob returned a pregnancy rate of 100%, a great effort for a yearling.
N208 has produced our heaviest “R” weaner Bull D. Rain Lover R018; 400kg @ 239 days and our equal 4th top daily gaining weaner Bull D. Rain Lover R235; 1.82kg/day.
Annie G037 will be represented in the Dulverton Bull Sale on 26/07/2021 by the very special Lotto L3 son in D. Quality Control Q092, don’t miss the opportunity to inspect.
Also in the Maternal pedigree of Annie Q182 is B/R New Frontier 095 the most pre potent promoter of that all important Trait Stayability/Longevity we have used. Note his longest serving daughter D. Impact Z127 has recently weaned a bull calf, D. Rogan Josh R039, weighing 380kg for a daily gain of 1.75kg against the male group average of 1.73kg/day, not bad for a 16.5 year old eh?.

2) Her Own Performance

  • Q182 was born a twin (both heifers),on 9.08.2019 in the driest year ever recorded in the Glen Innes District, making her subsequent performance all the more outstanding.
  • Q182 was weaned at 139 days on 26/12/19 weighing 217kg; daily gain 1.56kg/day, the Total number of heifers in her group N=26. The group average weight was 212kg; daily gain 1.52kg/day.
  • Q182 was placed in a group of 68 Heifers point weaning, then on 25.08.2020 her 400 day weight was recorded. She weighed 325kg at 381 days for a daily gain of 0.85kg/day. The Group average weight for the 68 head was 356kg at a daily gain of 0.93kg/day. While she ratioed at 91; 9% below group average it must be remembered she was a twin


Dulverton Annie Q182
  • Q182 weighed 355kg on the 28/09/2020(419 days)for a daily Gain of 0.84kg/day and so well and truely made our minimum “Cut-Off” weight at joining of 320 kg
  • Q182 was A.I’d to Dunoon P1039 on the 7th October 2020 and appears to have held to that A.I.
  • Q182 is in the top 5% for NFI-F; the Top 43% for IMF% and the Top 50% for RBY, therefore fulfilling our requirement of our Superior Performers of having three of the Four Value Determining Traits in the top 50%. Fertility is our fourth VDT, Note her half brother New Approach N208 is in the Top 37% for Scrotal and Top 29% for Days to Calving.
  • Q182 recorded an 8 for Carcase assessed Marbling under Neogen’s Igenity Beef Profile. An 8 score is predicted to raise MSA Marble score by 110 points which correlates to moving a very low scoring Marble score 2 to a low Marble score 3 in the AUSMEAT Scale, given that such a performing Female is joined to a Sire of the same Igenity Beef Marble Score.
  • It is worth noting that the 11 Igenity Beef Marble Score 8’s & 9’s sold for $1,600 above Sale Average.
  • Q182 scored 7 for tenderness; 7 for RFI (the feed efficiency measure) and 4 for Maternal Stayability under the Igenity Beef Profile.

It did take us Forty Years to get to an outcome of the Calibre exhibited by D. Annie Q182, we are extremely proud of her and oh so chuffed that she could emerge as Sale Topper from our recent Female Production Sale.
We wish the successful purchaser all the very best of luck with her.

Posted in : Chap's Chatter