Sal and I have been working with Gordon and Sal Wollen re Beef Cattle Breeding for the past couple of decades it’s been a very enjoyable and stimulating experience, one we hope will go on well into our Twilight years. It’s truly amazing how similar our Breeding Philosophies are, both parties being dedicated to Maternal Magnificence with a non compromising focus on Fertility and Maternal longevity.
Gordon and Sal have identical views re Maternal Shape and Structure to that of Sal and I. We both believe a female should show ideal length of body, long heads with wide muzzles strong bottom jaws and long necks. Body capacity is an essential and the pelvis set up should exhibit that “roll” from hip to pin. The pins being wide and set below the level of the hips. We are both strongly of the view that Female bone should be “Minimal” (enough strength to perform the structural skeletal role) and “Flat rather than “Round”.
Perhaps the most successful of the Dulverton Bulls Gordon and Sal have used would be Dulverton Latitude L6. L6 is by the proven Maternal sire Cluden Newry F10 (Ardrossan Equator 241), his maternal pedigree combines D. Uptake U91 and T.C. Franklin. L6 proved to be a Calving Ease specialist in both herds. Having seen the L6 progeny at Buckandoor we had no hesitation in using a Chiltern Park Moe M6 son out of a L6 daughter at Dulverton last spring over the Maiden Heifers.
Gordon and Sal have the most disciplined approach to their breeding and management practices a trait that has ensured their continued success.
Note the Wollen heifers being offered on Auctions Plus on Friday 8/03/22 were only exposed to two Dulverton Sires for six (6) weeks. Gordon and Sal have been one of our Dulverton Calving Ease Co-operators for the past six (6) years. Of particular note is the fact that one of the Young Sires Gordon And Sal are proving (some of the Heifers in the Auctions Plus offering are in calf to him) is, Dulverton Ricochet R083 a son of Dunoon Hank N668, from a very special ESSELMONT Lotto L3 daughter. We have recently Scanned R083 he has performed well above our expectations particularly given the fact he was used over a set of Maiden heifers at Gordon and Sal’s.
R083 Data
Weight 710kg; D.G. 1.17kg/day; p8Fat 15mls; Rib Fat 9mls; EMA IMF% 7.4;
Scrotal 42cm. He is the highest IMF% Scanning bull ever scanned at Dulverton.
Please follow This link to the Auction Plus Sale tomorrow 8th April
Additionally the Colin Say & Co Premier Weaner Sale is Monday 11thApril and the first 3 lots are account Wollen Partnership. This sale is held online with Stock live
Good luck with both upcoming Sales Gordo and Sal.
As Gary Player has so rightly said
“The more I practised and worked at my game the Luckier I became”.
No doubt your reward will come from the work, the effort and the attention to detail that you have included in. Your programme over the past three decades.