The Red Ridge rising two (2) year old heifers by the Dulverton Angus Bulls on the point of Calving and weighing 457kg.

Lachlan and Trudy Mace firm believers in the Growth Pathway we suggest that will not only bolster Pregnancy rates but also Live Calves born. Must remember that famous saying of Dr. Rex Butterfields “Dead Calves have distressingly low Growth Rates”. I’ll never forget Paul Jamieson when he was in the Farrer Ag. High School Judging team using this quotation at the Dubbo Teams judging. The quotation obviously impressed the overjudge, Farrer won the Teams event and Paul the Individual Point Score. Paul now works for Elders Dubbo.
The addition to this Pathway that is, Mature Cow Weight of 560-600kg. at Five (5) years will help place a “Limiter” on growth to the point where Fertility and Finishing ability particularly “off grass” will not be negatively impacted
Suggested Growth Pathway
- Joining Weight – 14 months. 320kg
- Calving Weight – 2 years. 460kg.
- Mature Cow Weight – 5 years. 560-600kg.
These suggested weights are for each individual not the group average.
Given that Mature Cow Weight is very much an issue be sure to place some emphasis on Feed Efficiency when selecting your future sires.
Well done Lachlan and Trudy Mace a wonderful testament to your Planning and management skills.