2021 Sires

Sal & I are extremely impressed with the CP Moe’s performance. The progeny we have seen in other herds are very much of the “type” we prefer to breed – adequate frame, mid maturity pattern, lesser yet sufficient bone, the bone is flat and the bottom jaw prominent. Moe progeny show ideal Bone to Muscle ratio helping to promote Beef Yield and the all important Maternal Traits, particularly Calving Ease. The Moe Progeny impress for the all important Do-Ability traits including body capacity, natural thickness, soft pliable skin, his Fat distribution is very even.

Chiltern Park Moe M6

One of Moe’s added strengths is that his calves are not only born easily but they do have the potential to grow at acceptable dollar earning rates. The six Dulverton born and reared Dulverton Yearlings, all from first calf heifers, gained at an average of 1.7kg/day from birth to weaning.

It is very difficult to find a hole in Moe’s EBV’s.

Moe is represented by eight Yearling sons in the Sale. The photo is of Dulverton Rocket Man R059, a Moe from Dulverton Mandy P275 a Lotto L3 daughter, another Boomer from the renowned Mandy family. Rocket Man R059 had a daily gain to weaning, 22.02.2021, of 1.80kg/day for a ratio of 110.

Dulverton New Approach N208

13 sons in the 2021 Sale

N208 is by Esselmont Lotto L3, a bull we have used for three seasons and who has a potential Stud Sire represented in this year’s catalogue, Lot 1 Dulverton Quality Control Q092. Q092 is a full brother to N208. The Lotto Females are doing a super job, they are medium framed, mid maturity patterns, adequate milkers, re-bred easily and are easy doing. The Lotto sons have topped the Sire Line averages at the past two Sales at $12,000.

N208 is out of our very best cow Dulverton Annie G037, a descendant of the 1992 Sydney Royal Show Senior Champion Angus Cow Dulverton Annie G17, a daughter of the Breed impact Sire O’Neill’s Renovator. Annie G037 combines some of our more highly regarded sires including T.C.Franklin, B/R New Frontier 095 and Scotch Cap 9440. G037’s embryo calf by Lotto Q092, leads this sale, her natural Q calves were a set of twin heifers by D. Megadlia M028 (represented by 18 sons in the sale). Annie Q182 one of the twins, topped our Autumn Female Production Sale at $15,000.

N208 is a very complete bull, he is such a long bodied bull with that preferred minimal yet sufficient bone, he has the all important natural thickness and depth. He is a true pelvis builder he portrays the ideal pelvic capacity and shape. N208’s shoulder set is near perfect helping to promote both freedom of movement and and calving ease. He is a great mover alright, we found him sniffing about the sheds on 8/12/2020 about a week short of his “Time”, he’d come over three gates to get home plenty to do straightening out gates. Fortunately N208 had settled all but two of his 55 head cow mob in calf.

N208 has been used in 7 herds and has had 148 progeny analysed.

We are extremely happy with N208’s retained heifers we eagerly await their first calves. N208 is represented by 13 sons in this sale be sure not to miss having a second look at Lots 3, 4, & 13, we have retained semen from Lot 4 for use over our maiden heifers.

Posted in : Chap's Chatter, News