Vale Dr Doug Parrett

Sal and were deeply saddened yesterday afternoon to learn of the passing of Dr. Doug Parrett aged 71. Doug most definitely had a major influence on the recipients of the Illinois University Scholarship re imparting a knowledge and understanding of both Livestock and Meats.

Sal and I first met with Doug at Champaign/Urbana in early January of 1982. Doug had been the man responsible for setting up the Angus Australia/Illinois University Scholarship, The University component. We couldn’t believe the guy was only our age and here he was, already The Associate Professor of Animal Science at one of the most acclaimed Land Grant Universities in The USA.

Upon Sal’s and my arrival Doug spent a day and a half providing us with course outlines and assisting us select courses that best suited our needs. Once our programme was finalised he then escorted us to the various Lecturers, introduced us and did everything possible to assist make us feel right at home, including installing us in the on campus married quarters.

Doug was a champion educator his ability to motivate his Livestock Class students was something to behold. Doug had a unique ability to combine Objective assessment utilising Genetic evaluation systems with Visual assessment of Structural soundness. Attending Doug’s Livestock Classes did provide me with the knowledge, the experience and motivation to set up mini livestock classes, modelled on Doug’s, upon my return to Farrer. I feel confident that many a young aspiring Beef Cattle Husbandry student who attended Farrer during the early 1980’s benefitted greatly from the fact that I had been able to complete Doug Parrett’s Livestock Classes. Those Livestock classes were invaluable to both Sal and I with respect the development of The Dulverton herd providing us with a sound knowledge base from which to focus, as Doug would often say, on  “Maternal Magnificence”.

The Meats class which I also attended was delivered by Dr. Tom Carr, Doug’s very best “mate”. Interestingly without Doug introducing many of The Scholarship recipients to the Illinois Meats Classes Australia may never of had an Intercollegiate Meats judging team. This team has competed successfully in the USA Inter-Varsity event over the past thirty (30) years.

The experiences these fortunate participants gained from this exposure has been so beneficial to the Australian Beef Industry at large. One such recipient of the Illinois University Scholarship, Mr Jason Strong was instrumental in establishing the Australian Intercollegiate Meats Judging Team. The understanding of Beef eating quality and it’s measurement, Jason gleaned from his involvement in these courses, has enabled him to follow a career path in this discipline. Jason was a member of the initial research team involved with developing MSA and is currently CEO of MLA.

Doug organised for me to attend two Meat Science courses delivered by Dr. Floyd McKeith and Dr. Jan Novakofski. I was so grateful for this experience I was able to gain a greater understanding of Muscle Biology, Lipids and the issues involving producing Beef of optimum Eating Quality. It was this exposure that most definitely assisted me fulfil a role on the initial research team involved with developing MSA.

Doug was more than simply a facilitator of Learning experiences involving Livestock and it’s subsequent transformation to Meats. Doug was a visionary and to me he epitomised The American ethos that every citizen was entitled to as comprehensive an education as was available in whatever their chosen field may have been, Education has no Boundaries. I have no doubt that it was this important facet of his “Character” that enabled Doug to initiate and deliver programmes such as The Angus Australia Illinois University Scholarship.

Doug was very much a man of The J.F. Kennedy ilk, he definitely “saw things as they might be and asked WHY NOT”.

Doug, may you Rest In Peace in the knowledge that your many thousands of students are all the better equipped re travelling their respective Life’s Journeys because of their having known you.

Greg and Sally Chappell

Dulverton Angus

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