Represented by 15 Sons
We are still constantly on the look out for sires who have carcase measured marbling performance. Why? Simple really, our client’s feeder steer performance is recognised and renumerated for by carcase marble score and eating quality is more closely defined by marbling than IMF%.
Dick Whale did visit with Tom Hill Idaho (Tom is the Livestock Consultant to Agri-Beef, a quality end niche market processor in Idaho). Tom had identified Spring Cove Gentleman Jack as a potential marble score improving prospect from what he believes to be the best cow family in the Spring Cove herd – The Carols. Tom is also keen to be improving the muscle to bone ratio of the slaughter steers thereby ensuring an improvement in boning room saleable beef outcomes. Both Dick and Tom were happy with S.C Gentleman Jack’s structure, Dick being particularly taken with the depth of back heel. S.C Gentleman Jack is ranked in the Top 20% for Marbling and Top 10% for both Maternal and Heavy Grain fed Indexes in the USA.
We used S.C Gentleman Jack and this year offer his first male progeny, 15 in total. 5 are Grade 7’s, 7 are Grade 6’s and 3 are Grade 5’s. Well done to S.C Gentleman Jack it is not often we have a sire produce more Grade 7’s than Grade 5’s. S.C Gentleman Jack’s Grade 7 sons include the heifer prospects D. Peter Pan P104, D. Peter Pan P182, D. Peter Pan P139, D. Peter Pan P276 and D. Peter Pan P163. Great to see Calving Ease has proven to be one of his productive strengths. Worth noting the son of S.C Gentleman Jack we kept, D. Peter Pan P96 is +4.1 for Calving Ease Direct, +7.6 Calving Daughters and +3.4 for Birth Weight to 135 for 600 day growth. While P096 only has a Breedplan IMF% EBV of +1.3 (bottom 26%) he does score 7 (top 22%) for carcase generated marbling in the Neogen/Ingenity genomics system.

We were very impressed with the S.C Gentleman Jacks as Yearlings, we identified five to feed along to 500kg to use over cows as Yearlings. The season had us concerned that Artificial Insemination would be out of the question, we were feeding cows and calves 100% of their daily requirement. Yearling bulls were going to have to be relied upon. The five S.C Gentleman Jacks we selected for consideration included – P58, P96, P104, P171 & P164. We used them all over cows except P164 and have kept P96. The muscling and body capacity of this set is exemplary.
Two traits we believe S.C Gentleman Jack has excelled in are the essential structural attribute feet and the all-important muscling. S.C Gentleman Jack has 15 sons catalogued, they averaged 23 for Front Feet and the top score for Back Feet was 23.8. His Back Feet are characterised by that all-important Depth of Heel. Note P182 and P139 are the only bulls to score the near perfect 24 (Front) and perfect 25 (Back). Gentleman Jack’s progeny have averaged 39.1 for Visual Muscle Score almost B muscling (40), three of his progeny have scored B muscling or better, they include P58 (Lot 5), P204 (Lot 32 and P278 (Lot 54).
Sal’s selection of the S.C Gentleman Jack progeny is P104 (Lot 4).