Dulverton Tivaci T093 is without doubt the longest bodied bull in this draft, he is one of the longest bodied bulls we have seen in a long time. It’s not often we produce or find in our travels searching for stud Sires to use, bulls with T093’s length, visual muscle score and do-ability. It is a hackneyed phrase in the Beef Industry that length weighs, it is with regular monotony that the phrase and it’s supporting comment weight equals $$$$’s is proven to be correct. The bulls were last weighed on 22/03/24 and T093 weighed 840kg, he was the second heaviest, the heaviest bull T250 Lot 8 at 850kg was not used, T093 was used. Length weighs, Weight Pays.
The Igenity Beef Profile has nailed T093’s genetic growth profile scoring him 8 for the three growth measures (Weaning Weight, Average Daily Gain & Yearling Weight) and 10 for Carcase Weight. T093’s actual weaning weight was 378kg 1.54kg/day rank 4/57, his Yearling weight taken at 374 days was 554kg 1.47kg/day rank 2/57.
Eight (8) is our preferred “top end” Igenity genetic growth prediction score. It is possible to put too much growth into production systems given the need to work within the constraints of environment and the need to “Balance” growth with other economic drivers such as Fertility. The desire being to Optimise Growth and Live Calves born; NOT Maximise Growth at the expense of reduced Live Calves born.

Dulverton Tivaci T093 scores a 10 for Igenity genetic carcase weight, a maximum, yet able to be accommodated as the 10 is two points above his yearling weight indicating T093 has the ability to improve genetic Beef Yield, his growth potential being channeled into useable product within the carcase. T093 scores a 7 for Igenity REA indicating he is likely to be additive for genetic muscling. Close scrutiny of T093’s physical appearance supports the fact he is likely to be a Beef Yield improver. Note his classic “Tubular” shape, no excess in the brisket, in the underline, in the flank and he is “Pear” shaped not upside down “U”shaped when viewed from behind. T093 minimises “Waste Tissue” and definitely appears to improve Beef Yield.
Dulverton Tivaci T093 scores a 10 for Igenity Tenderness, a major plus for any program with a focus on maintaining and improving Beef’s status amongst consumers as their preferred protein source.
Dulverton Tivaci T093 registers 70 for his VDT Index. A score of 70 and better is a rarity we have produced D. Smart Missile S058 74, Dulverton Think Big T200 72.5 and Lot 82 Dulverton Tawrrific T363 72.5 who have scored 70 or better for the VDT Index. T093 not only possesses apparent genetic superiority he also exhibits above average structural soundness, he Grades a 6.
Dulverton Tivaci T093 has a very interesting pedigree, he is by Goalkeeper a son of Enhance, both bulls have worked very well in the Dulverton herd, Enhance produced Last years top and second top priced Sale bulls plus S058 retained in herd. There are progeny by all three from our “S” females, all three appear to have done a Stirling job. The udders under the “S” heifers had to be seen to be believed. The Maternal pedigree for T093 is very much “Dulverton”. Dulverton Herbert H008 is out of one of our favourite cows in Queen F023 (reared 11), by a bull we think has done a mighty job particularly maternally in TC Franklin 619. Queen F023 is truely bred in the purple she is by Nichols Extra K205 one of the better maternal bulls used at Dulverton. F023’s dam A257 reared 10 and is by the pinup sire in Dulverton Uptake U091. The Queen family traces back from here through a set of Breed stalwarts including Burthlene Patriot to the Queen family founder in Landfall Archer C170 a daughter of Summitcrest Powerplay MO32. Dulverton Kitty B225 traces back through such greats as Scotchcap 9440 and O’Neill’s Crusader to the founder of the Kitty family The Basin G101.
Seems like the pedigree supports the exceptionally pleasing genetic superiority as described by The Igenity Beef Profile and The VDT Index. T093 is definitely worth a look.