The ability of cows within the herd to continually breed champion progeny is a much revered phenomenon within The Dulverton herd and it’s great when it actually happens.
Dulverton Tivaci T122 Lot 29 appears ready to assist Dulverton Lisa M191 achieve maternal magnificence, he is out of M191 by Baldridge Goalkeeper, Goalkeeper is by Sydgen Enhance. The Sale topper at last years sale was Dulverton Smart Missile S068, he was out of Dulverton Lisa M191 by Sydgen Enhance, S068 and T122 are three quarter brothers. S068 was purchased by The Laurie families Knowla Stud in conjunction with Jason Strong for $50,000. S068 was used by AI over the “S” heifers in 2022, his progeny have been weaned and are certainly looking to possess the goods. Keep your eye out for Dulverton Unstop-Abull U010, The Dulverton Team marked him from day dot as a youngster with potential, he is out of an impressive young C.P. Moe “S” cow. Seems like S068 is breeding with unparalleled success The Dulverton Team anticipates T122 will achieve similar notoriety. What a great maternal performance.
Dulverton Tivaci T122 possess an ideal frame pattern, with his rib, barrel and body length a feature. T122 is blessed with very good feet and locomotion, his visual muscling and very adequate do-ability being amongst his striking attributes. T122 is a Grade 6.

T122 certainly blasted out of the blocks re his actual growth performance, he was weaned at 215 days weighing 344kg for a daily gain of 1.60kg/day rank 3/57. T122 weighed 490kg as a 362 day youngster for a gain of 1.35kg/day rank 6/57. T122 recorded a scrotal circumference of 44cm at semen checking 18/04/24.
The Igenity Beef Profile data is suggesting T122 will produce calves of slightly above average BW, however it also points to the fact that he is a super calving ease prospect the data predicting an 8 for CED and a 7 for CEM, he is the sort of bull to use over cows and to keep the heifers from those cows as future breeders.
T122 is one of twenty Lots in the Sale scoring five (5) or better (less is best) for RFI, The Dulverton Team still considers RFI is too valuable a trait not to be included in the Breeding wish list. The other Igenity Beef Profile traits for which T122 excels are Fertility (Hfr pregnancy 10 and Scrotal 9), Growth (10), Carcass Weight (9) and Marbling (8).
T122 has a VDT Index of 61.5, very creditable.
Dulverton Tivaci T122 has an impressive maternal pedigree it includes Dulverton Corker C199 a proven carcass marbler through the Angus Young Sire Benchmarking program. Dulverton Corker has had an impact on the Dulverton herd, in all one hundred and eleven (111) of his progeny were performance recorded at Dulverton, including Lisa F176 dam of M191. Dulverton Corker is out of Mandy Y203 (reared 8) whose maternal grand dam was Mandy Q43 (reared 17 including S124, T102 and Voted No.1 who performed so well in the Growth herd). T122’S maternal grand dam Lisa X157 traces back through Lisa R101+96 to the Basin G117, a foundation cow for Dulverton. G117 was by O’Neill’s Mr. America out of O’Neill’s Eraline 61 who was in turn out of O’Neill’s Eraline 42 dam of O’Neill’s Renovator an Angus breed impact sire having sired Te Mania Kelp etc. The Dulverton team has inspected a very large number of Angus cows over the years and still the most impressive would have to be O’Neill’s Eraline 42, she was a stunner and the reason Dulverton imported Renovator.
G117 was used as a donor at Dulverton with embryos having been sold to DSK and Mt. Marsden, she had a prolific production career, her first calf was born in 1989 she had a natural calf every year from 1989 until 2004, only missing in 1990 and 1998 the years she was flushed. G117’s first calf was by Dulverton Grant G1, Junior Champion Angus Bull Melbourne Royal Show 1988.
It’s not often Sale Bull drafts get to include three quarter brothers to the year before Sale topper, don’t miss the opportunity of inspecting this young Gun, Go T122.