
Yeah, this fella is the favourite, have liked him since he was a calf on Mum, he was then and is today the epitome of Mr. OPTIMUM. T235’s IBP genetic predictions for weaning weight (7), for ADG (8) and yearling weight (8) are spot on upon inspection of his actual growth performance. T235 was weaned at 231 days weighing 346kg; 1.50kg/day ranked equal 3rd in his group of 41. T235 tipped the scales for Yearling weight (361days)at 528kg; 1.46kg/day. T235’s ADG from weaning to yearling weight was 1.40kg/day, a very commendable performance given the harshness of winter through early spring.

T235 has been graded a 7+, the only other bull to achieve a 7+ at Dulverton has been Dulverton New Approach N208 who is represented by nine (9) sons in this Sale. T235 oozes Structural Superiority which allows him to move so freely, note his feet, leg angle and pastern scores. T235 exhibits amazing volume and body capacity both traits combine to assist illustrate his exceptional do-ability. T235 has an above average visual muscle score (40) and his evenness of fat distribution is a major plus. T235’s unflappable temperament has always been one of his super strengths, IBP promotes his genetic temperament by allocating him an eight (8) for Docility. There aren’t many boxes T235 doesn’t tick, IBP scores T235 a 4 for BW and a 7 for CED indicating that he is capable of being used on heifers.

The promotion of Beef Eating Quality has been a long time driver for Sal and I, it’s great to be able to promote our WOW Factor bull T235 as a genetic improver of this substantial trait, T235 scores a 10 for Tenderness and an 8 for Marbling. T235’s sons are genetically capable of producing “The Beef People can Eat”.

Pedigree remains an integral part of our programme at Dulverton, years and years of following the better performers initially for structural soundness, survival, longevity etc and more recently for Eating Quality and Beef Yield has been paramount in allowing Dulverton to produce Seed Stock capable of “All Round “ performance. T235 is by L. New Ground N90, we have been impressed with New Ground progeny within the breed at large and also at Dulverton. T235 is out of a cracking cow Dulverton Penny N210 who was by a bull who worked very well here in Pathfinder Galaxy G476, unfortunately we only have three bulls out of Galaxy cows in the Sale, on the flip side we have a “paddock full” of “U” heifers out of his cows. Penny N210 is out of a TC Franklin cow H185 who is still active and has reared ten progeny, H185 rates with the best of them a close second to Annie G037. H185 traces back through Penny V134 a daughter of Re-Build R112 (was still working naturally as an eleven year old) to Penny P51 reared ten, and a daughter of The Great VDAR New Trend 315. Penny P51 was out of The Basin E049 not only the founder of the Penny family, but also the founder of the prolific Mandy family.

It takes more than being recognised as-:

  •           A Heifer safe prospect,
  •           Having the Mr. OPTIMUM title for growth,
  •           The once in a lifetime 7+ Grade for Structural Soundness,
  •           Being an Eating Quality prowess proponent and
  •           Having a wonderful pedigree

to gain WOW FACTOR STATUS at Dulverton.

For Sal and I, T235’s crowning glory is the fact that as a yearling sire (14/15 months old) he settled twenty nine (29) of twenty nine (29) “S” heifers in calf. WOW what an achievement, particularly given the seasonal conditions over the spring joining period. This performance speaks volumes for T235, we normally don’t ask yearlings to breed any more than twenty five (25) during a seven week Breeding Season

Yeah settling 29 of 29, Crowns T235 as The WOW FACTOR CHAMPION.

Posted in : Chap's Chatter