Each year the Dulverton Team spends many hours researching the yearling bull crop in search of the most appropriate few yearlings to engage for heifer joining. There is more to allocating the task of breeding the heifers than just light birth weight and acceptable Calving Ease genetic indicators. The Dulverton Teams intention is to not only supply Heifer safe bulls, but to supply bulls able to pass on adequate growth genes, plus satisfy with reasonable competency the genetic requirements set out in The Value Determining Traits Index. Dulverton clients need heifer safe bulls that not only assist the “Live Calf Outcome” but that can also assure their progeny perform sufficiently well enough to be Value Adding re that’s clients bottom line.
Upon satisfying the above mentioned, the potential yearling heifer bull must comply with the Dulverton Teams structural soundness expectations, given that The Dulverton Team is committed to supplying bulls to their clients that have a minimum working life of three (3) years.
T229 excels for genetic BW scoring 3, to add to this he scores 6 for both CED and CEM. The Dulverton Team considers this data to be very satisfactory, in addition T229 scores super well for two very relevant fertility traits, Heifer Pregnancy 8 and Scrotal 9.
The Dulverton Team is happy with the genetic growth scores of 5 for T229, particularly given he scores 7 for genetic CW. This relationship, CW being two points above the genetic growth expectations, points to the fact that T229’s growth is channeled into carcass merit and so the expectation is that genetic Beef Yield will be enhanced. T229 ticks the Eating Quality box scoring 7 for genetic tenderness and 8 for genetic marbling.
T229 scores 61 for the VDT Index and so is worthy of consideration as an all round genetic improver for the Value Determining Traits.
T229 possesses an admirable Phenotype, scoring a Grade 6 for Structural assessment. He exhibits a slightly above average frame pattern, his body capacity is adequate and his body length particularly the length from hip to pin is ideal to assist promote calving ease “shape”. T229’s pelvic shape is exemplary with respect promoting Calving Ease, note-:
The positioning of the hip relative to the pins, the hips are higher than the pins thereby allowing for the characteristic “roll” similar to that of the animals in the “wild”, (Zebra, Wildebeests etc) and the Bos indicus where nature has selected for calving ease.
T229 is setup on very good feet and legs and does move very well. He has adequate visual muscling and has the preferred soft pliable skin and slick hair.
T229 does possess very acceptable early growth, he weaned with a daily gain of 1.60kg/day rank 4/57, his Yearling daily gain of 1.36kg/day ranked him 3/57.
While promoting T229’s growth data, also note that he was set to work to mop up sixty three (63)”T” heifers following their A.I. To his credit fifty eight (58) of these heifers were settled in calf in the seven (7) week breeding interval, he should promote Absolute Functionality.

T229 possesses one of the most amazing Dulverton maternal pedigrees of any young sire in the draft. To begin with he is out of the outstanding B. Frankel F510 daughter Dulverton Impact K030 still active and has reared eight (8). B. Frankel would almost certainly have been a breed Foundation/Impact sire had it not been for the dreaded DD, his performance at Dulverton has been undeniably magical.
Dulverton Impact K030 is out of the second most pre potent Longevity promoter at Dulverton, Dulverton Impact Z127. Z127 is still actively grazing around at Shannon Vale, she wasn’t bred to produce a “U” calf. Z127 reared fifteen (15) performance recorded calves, her only superior is The Champion Dulverton Mandy Q043. Z127 is by the most prepotent Maternal and Longevity promoting sire used at Dulverton in B/R New Frontier 095, take a bow Bill Rishel.
Further investigation of T229’s maternal pedigree unveils such maternal champions as J.R.Juice, Candolier Forever, QAS Traveller 23-4. Dulverton Liquidator L58 was an imported embryo, the result of mating QAS Traveller 23-4 with a USA maternal star at the time Blackcap Lady 3187 GDAR.
Yeah, there is more to this very special heifer safe prospect in T229, than a few backyard scrubbers. Don’t forget B. Frankel F510 traces back through the imported embryo B. Tracy T4 to that super Summitcrest marbling and maternal exponent in Summitcrest Blackcap Mary E210.
Not only should T229 produce live calves from heifers, his input should add significantly to the genetic merit of those “live” progeny.