Achieving Structural Soundness supremacy for the Sale lots offered has always been the No.1 priority at Dulverton. The Dulverton Team is confident that Structural Soundness as described by the Breeding Type and Structural Assessment and applied by Dick Whale (see catalogue for explanation of these assessments), will assist clients purchase Sale Bulls who will stand the test of time. Structure particularly Feet, Legs & Joints, is like all traits selected for, it is a function of genetics and environment. Sorting the genetics is one component, managing the Sale Bulls in their environment is the other challenge. Over feeding and feeding too “hot” a ration can be disastrous as these practices can result in claws becoming too long, joints swelling etc. The Dulverton ration is specifically designed to-:

  • Grow the Bulls at a moderate rate, the goal being to have them weigh between 700 and 800kg on Sale Day (20 to 22 months). Note T136 Lot 13 weighed 792 kg at semen checking 18/04/24 at a daily gain of 1.26kg/day, he is at the top end of his Mgt Grp for growth. T136 had a weaning weight of380kg for a daily gain of 1.64kg/day and a yearling weight of 497kg at a gain of 1.34kg/day. Lot 26 T107 also from T136’s Mgt Grp and out of a heifer weighed 728kg at 1.15kg/day and is in the bottom twenty percent (20%) of the Mgt Grp.
  • Have the Bulls presented in such a way that they have been able to express their genetic potential for Visual Muscling, Visual Fat cover and distribution.
  • Such a moderate growth rate also enables Bulls to express their progenies likely skin, hair/coat variation, a major consideration when, you, The Dulverton Teams clients come to sell progeny by your Dulverton Bull.

Included in the ration is a custom designed Mineral pre-mix and a probiotic to assist maintain rumen stability.

Dulverton Tavistock T136 does possess Structural Soundness Supremacy, he is a Grade 7. T136 does exhibit above average frame including greater than average body length and ideal body capacity. Body capacity is a trait the Dulverton Team believes needed to be worked on post the Angus frame building era. Bovines are ruminants and so need plenty of body capacity to “house” the ruminant digestive system which is unique in converting lower grade forage into valuable protein.

T136 has a set of near perfect feet, a trait he will pass to his progeny. T136 also possesses very impressive flex to his hocks a trait along with shoulder set and angle  enables him to move with abundant fluency. Muscling is also one of T136’s strengths, he registers 39 which places him on the boundary from B- to a B muscle score, The Dulverton Teams preference.

T136’s Doability score really does point to the fact that he will be a valuable asset to most commercial breeding enterprises across a wide range of environments. Note the width across his chest floor proving ample space for those essential organs such as heart lungs etc.

T136 has recorded a very special set of Igenity Beef Profile data, his 5 BW; 6 CED & 6CEM indicating he is an calving ease type, his fertility data 7 Hfr Preg; 8 scrotal, pointing to fact he can improve fertility. Scores of 5 & 6 for milk are The Team Dulverton goal, T136 scores 5 right on target.

While T136 only scores 5 for Stay, it must be remembered this is an above average score for Angus, Stay is a trait The Dulverton Team is committed to improving. Team Dulverton will A.I. heavily this spring to their Exclusive son D. Think Big T200 who registers 7 for Stay and 5 for RFI. Dick Whale has tested sixty six (66) potential AI sires for potential use this Spring, the best two Sire prospects for the two traits Angus drag their feet with STAY & RFI, are D. Think Big T200 ( 7 Stay 5 RFI) and D. Smart Missile S058 (6 Stay 6 RFI).

T136 definitely registers at the “Top End” for genetic growth scoring 8’s for WW, ADG & YW, he also scores 8 for CW. Team Dulvertons goal is to achieve a genetic CW score of a point or two above the genetic CW score thereby ensuring genetic growth goes toward producing carcasses with superior Beef Yield, happy to accept equal 8’s in T136’s case.

T136 does drag his feet badly with respect his genetic RFI, as already mentioned this is a trait Angus need to focus more attention on, Team Dulverton is very much aware of this Feed Efficiency issue and is working to rectify the lesser genetic performance.

Take a bow T136, you certainly have nailed improving genetic Eating Quality, registering a 10 for Tenderness and an 8 for marbling.
T136 has recorded a very pleasing set of genetic data for the suite of IBP data, he has registered a VDT index of 61 suggesting he is very worthy of a closer look.

T136 has a fascinating maternal pedigree his dam D. Nova L002 is now well established she is still active and has reared seven (7) progeny. L002’s “S” bull was by Boonaroo Gravity G13 and sold to Dulverton’s longest serving clients Paul & Rosemary Nankivell, he had a VDT Index of 63 including a 10 for marbling and was a grade 6.

L002’s dam C198 reared ten (10) and was out of D. Nova W1 who in turn was out of DSK Nova Q10. Dulverton owned Nova Q10 in partnership with Chris Knox and Helen Alexander of DSK. Dulverton was keen to buy into Nova Q10 because she was by Dulverton  Grant G1 (Junior Champion Angus Bull Melbourne Show) out of Ron and Judy Cowley’s Roseleigh Nova N8. Ron and Judy like Knoxie and Helen were mates from the Show era. Roseleigh Nova N8 was out of Kukakunga C27, C27 was by one of The Angus Breed frame changers in Prospect Skyhigh 63M (Imp Canada). Dulverton sold Grant G1 to Roseleigh after Melbourne Show and so the Nova family is the only linkage back to Grant G1.

Pedigree history can be quite fascinating eh?

Dulverton Tavistock T136’s story is very much about Structural Soundness a theme The Dulverton promotes in earnest. Sound Structure the No.1 precursor to Bulls being able to get about, search out females on heat, serve those females in a range of varying terrains and for a two (2) year old repeat the above across forty (40) to Fifty (50) females. Team Dulverton does have the goal of expecting each sire sold to be able to actively breed across four (4) joining seasons.

The Dulverton Team is ecstatic with the Structural Soundness performance of this years Sale draft, of the eighty five bulls catalogued the Grade outcomes are as follows-:
           GRADE 7’s.         24
           GRADE 6’s.         36
           GRADE 5’S.        25

WOW! Amazing, in the past the 7 Graders have numbered one third this years outcome and The Team has had the goal not to have to catalogue a Grade 4 in a Sale draft. Seems like there really aren’t any shortcuts, achieving Structural Soundness and Genetic supremacy does really take a Lifetime.

Posted in : Chap's Chatter