How we use the Igenity Beef Profile at Dulverton

Within Herd Selection

Our reasons for opting to use the merged IGS/Igenity system for adding accuracy and traits currently not available have been discussed in the document “Why we use The IGS/Igenity Beef Profile”. Our adoption of this system is very much in it’s infancy so to date we haven’t witnessed progeny resulting from using Sires mated to Dams with Igenity Beef Profiles.

We have established our own selection programme which comprises a range within the reporting scale 1 – 10 adopted by The Igenity Beef Profile (IBP) to report Trait performance. For example, our suggested Range for Marbling is 7-10. Given our understanding of this trait to date, it is likely that a Marble Score 7 “R”Bull from Dulverton crossed over Angus cows with no measured Marbling Performance, that the said “R” Bull will maintain that herds existing levels of genetic Marbling performance. Scores 8, 9. & 10 will incrementally increase that genetic Marbling performance.

Lot 3 – R182

Trait Selection Guide

Note all sixteen traits are reported per favour of a Numerical Range 1-10; trait performance for BW & RFI is considered more desirable where the numbers are reversed, for instance 4 being more sort after than 8. In the case of BW the 4 score represents a lighter genetic BW than the 8. In the case of RFI the 4 represents a lesser and therefore more favourable genetic intake than the 8.

Please remember the Law of the Optimum when working with these scales “The Biggest and the Most isn’t necessarily The Best. In the case of BW and RFI “The Smallest and the Least isn’t necessarily the Best”.


We have suggested Marbling and Tenderness need to be considered as Companion Traits re Eating Quality and ADG and RFI as Companion Traits re Feed Efficiency. In addition we are also suggesting that the relationship YW and CW be considered to add to a Beef Yield outcome. In the absence of a true Beef yield prediction (no yield prediction can be considered as close to absolute without a percentage bone calculation), we do suggest placing at least a one point advantage to CW over YW.

That is, R180 scores an 8 for CW and a 6 for YW , both within the Trait range suggested above.


It is our contention that these bulls with the relationship outlined are converting their genetic growth to genetic carcass weight and not to “waste material” such as excessive dewlap, flank etc. No doubt to be more effective as a yield predictor such a relationship will need a bone percentage.

Assisting work with our co-operating commercial clients

There is no doubt that producing Beef must become a more exacting occupation, if nothing else the issue of price competitiveness must be addressed. In Beef we can become more competitive by addressing issues that currently result in lesser performance On Farm (Stayability, Feed Efficiency etc); In the Feedlot (Feed Efficiency, Coping Mechanisms etc); in the Processing Plant (Reduced Dark Cutting-better coping, Reduced surplus fat, compliance to weight specifications etc.) and at Retail (Eating Quality-Marbling Tenderness, Retail yield, Portion Size etc).

DNA sampling of individuals and correctively mating (where possible) is a major step in the right direction toward addressing many of the issues mentioned above. Note most of them are moderately heritable and so to make improvement in their outcomes their must be a commitment at the Breeding station of the Beef Production Chain.

The Igenity Beef Profile trait list is Genomically derived, it is a reasonably simple task to input samples to Neogen for testing. Neogen is the Australian partner of Igenity, they also carry out DNA sampling to verify parentage and a host of Food Related testing.

We currently have six co-operating commercial partners, who between them have submitted 1600 DNA Ear notch samples to Neogen for sampling. The results from these samples are returned in a format identical to that of the IBP Table in the front of our catalogue.

We then work with each co-operator to match their heifer results with those of our sires and recommend the most appropriate Sire List for them to choose their new season sires from.

Farming methods are certainly progressing at the rate of knots, it’s time we in the Beef Industry at the Producer Station join in the quest for profitable performance.

Posted in : Chap's Chatter