It was late August 2016 when Sal started searching the internet looking for the unique current sire. She came across Lotto L3 and we started researching his pedigree and breeder. As it happened Esselmont is the stud owned and operated by Lindsay Wolrige in WA. I had known Lindsay from my days at Farrer and specifically through the Dairy ‘herd’. Lyndsay was a brilliant AI technician and cow man. If dairying only teaches you one thing it’s a thorough understanding of The Cow. The strength of any bull breeding operation owes its ‘position’ to the superiority of the cow herd.

I decided to ring Linsday about Lotto L3, so I got on the blower one morning about 8am completely forgetting two rather critical points… 1. That Lindsay would have to be in is 70’s and 2. WA is two hours behind us and it was just before 6am over there! Anyway his wife Allison answered the phone, she didn’t know me from a bar of soap and was quite perplexed as to why some stranger had woken her so early. Once she sorted out who I was and Lindsay came to the phone we yarned for a while a then talked about Lotto L3. He assured me the cow family was second to none and that Lotto was born from a heifer unassisted (great start) and that the Cherry Cow (Lotto’s maternal grand dam) was still functioning well. She had an excellent udder with the ‘right’ feminine shape. Lyndsay had put our minds at rest particularly since we weren’t going to be able to see the bull prior to us using him in October.

The pedigree research had uncovered the presence of a number of sires we have used sons and grandsons of – Te Mania Bartel 219, sire of Dunoon Ernest E477 who has worked well for us and is represented in the pedigrees of females being sold, most notably M237 and M244. Te Mania Berkley B1 grandsire on paternal side of C Gunsmoke J134. He is also represented by daughters in the sale, again M237 and M244.

It is worth mentioning that Berkeley B1’s dam Te Mania Lowan Z53 traces back to the very first Angus born at Farrer – Farrer Lady Federation. I guess I had to use Lotto L3 given that association, however many times ‘removed’.

We did use a Wattletop son of Regent (sparingly) and of course we’ve used the BB Midland son, Five Star Z51 and he pops up in a number of pedigrees of heifers being offered.

You will notice Lotto L3 boasts a very sound set of EBVs plus he is in the top 1% for the Heavy Grainfed Index and top 5% for the other 3 indexes.

Our first set of Lotto L3 calves are simply amazing. The musculature, softness (two traits that often don’t go hand in hand), body length, skin and hair need to be seen to be believed.

We are offering pregnancies to him, embryos by him out of two very special TC Franklin 619 cows in D Annie G37 and D Kitty H33. These embryos are foetuses in a set of 9 registered K cows due September. We will also offer the pick of two Lotto L3 heifers, one from Wilcoola J187 and the other from Pixie J189.

If you haven’t used the Lotto L3 yet then here is your chance to fast track your entry into the Lotto Club. Go Lotto – Mad if you Don’t!

Posted in : Bull Battery