Represented by 15 Sons
Lotto has to rank in the top three or four sires we have used, must say its great to make a decision to use a bull and then for him to deliver with such magnificence.
We used Lotto because we have known Lindsay Wolrige from our Dairy Days back in Tamworth during the mid 1970’s. Dairymen know about cows and the best bulls come from Strong Cow Families.
We liked the fact that TeMania Bartel B219 is on the ‘bottom side’ of General G18’s pedigree (G18 is Lotto’s sire), and that B/R Midland is on the ‘bottom side’ of Lotto’s dam, Esselmont Jenny J8’s pedigree. Two bulls who have worked really well in the Dulverton herd have been Dunoon Ernest E477 and Five Star Z51, they are sired by TeMania Bartel B219 and B/R Midland respectively, the relationship is truly working.
True champions not only breed lines of well above average bulls to sell, they also contribute to the Maternal prowess of a herd by leaving large numbers of exceptional females. We used Lotto heavily in the first two seasons and more sparingly in the third (we actually AI’d less cows due to less than favourable seasonal conditions in the Spring of 2018). We have 40 Lotto’s retained in the Stud and we sold five heifers at our recent Female Production Sale. It’s doubtful we have a better producing ‘N’ at Shannon Vale (hopefully we have a few equal to her) than Dulverton Peri N199, a Lotto daughter. We sold Dulverton Peri N199 to Greg White of Robrick Angus Scone at the Female Production Sale, her first calf Dulverton Qafila Q007 is amongst the top five bull weaners. The Lotto’s are breeders.

I guess the other point about true champions, they really don’t reach that status unless they produce one to replace themselves. We believe Lotto has done that per his son Dulverton New Approach N208. N208 excels for physical appearance. He has a moderate frame and ideal skeletal thickness, his body capacity is ideal so too his length, musculature, and evenness of cover. Dick Whale recently scored N208 23 for front feet and 24 for back feet. N208’s weaners are growing along super well and we look forward to assessing them as Yearlings in the spring.
This is the second year we have offered Lotto sons. At last year’s Dulverton sale we sold 14 Lotto sons to a top of $15,000 to average $10,214 – the sale average was $7,106. It’s not often we sell bulls into Registered Angus bull breeding herds, however last year Jack Smith and Todd Aitken selected a Lotto son in Dulverton New Approach N56 for the Cascade herd at Duri. We had used N56 as a Yearling, he has weaners who are shaping up really well.
This year’s Lotto offering comprises a line of fifteen (15) rising two year olds, headed by Dulverton Pierro P170 who we used in the Stud over cows. P170 (Lot 2) is one of four Lotto Grade 7’s, the other three being Dulverton Pierro P264 (Lot 58), Dulverton Pierro P70 (Lot 20 and Dulverton Pierro P151 (Lot 43).