Dulverton Mossman M114 has been a favourite since weaning this time last year. We did include him amongst our group of select weaners who we grow on to be sure they reach 500kg by the sale day. M114 continued to impress us, so much so that we withdrew him from sale so we could use him ourselves over a set of selected cows. M114 excelled in his visual appearance, he is very long bodied, he has amazing body capacity and is very thick when viewed from behind. It is very easy to see the B Frankel in him, particularly in the pelvic region. Perhaps the trait that attracted me to him most was the fact that while he was exhibiting amazing growth rates, he had moderate frame, he isn’t ‘tall’ he is long with that ‘extra’ capacity. His mobility is also very much a plus.
Dulverton Mossman M114 is by our 2015 sale topper D Jackpot J267. J267 is in the Angus Young Sire Benchmark program Cohort 6 and preliminary results show his progress to be well above the group average. His average birthweight for his 22 progeny is 37.7kg rank 22/41; Gestation length 277.9 days rank 6/41; 200 day weight 211kg rank 10/41; 400 day weight 368kg rank 12/41. Ideal all round performance.
We shared the Five Star Yaramdu Y29 with John Sylvester he was a unique sire, calving ease one of his strong suits. Y29’s pedigree is stacked with some of our preferred performance individuals. The GDAR Forever Lady cow family, EXT, Circle A 2000 Plus, 036 and Te Mania Kelp.
Dulverton Mossman M114’s dam D Peri F96 is by D Durabul D35 the second son of 338 out of D Locket V130 we used. 338 is also one of the preferred performance sires from ‘the past’ and V130 ranks amongst our better performing cows having reared 14 progeny. D Peri F96, dam of M114 has delivered and reared 6 progeny to date, five of them males including D Limerick L258 who sold at last year’s sale for $13,000.
Dulverton Mossman M114’s maternal grand dam D Peri C83 is by a bull that in hindsight we could have used more of, we still have a handful of ‘C’ cows by him – Toebben Designer Genes 1119. 1119 is still calving ease, adequate growth, milk, muscle, IMF% positive and top 5% for NFI-F.
We are looking forward to the arrival of the first Mossman M114 progeny.