Angus Foundation Donation Dulverton Dell S135

Profile Dulverton Dell S135 The Angus Foundation Donation

Dulverton Dell S135 is an exciting breeding prospect going forward. S135 is a heifer with superior body length including great neck extension and shoulder set, Doug Parrett would have loved her”Front-end”. S135 does exhibit slightly better than average stature and possesses plenty of body capacity and thickness. S135’s mid term maturity pattern means she has the flexibility to produce either later or earlier maturing progeny depending on sire choice, that is, manoeuvre the maturity pattern of her progeny by breeding her to an “Earlier” or “Later” maturing sire.

S135 is very sound footed, note the depth of her back heel, her pastern strength is a positive , so too the hock angle and flex enabling ideal freedom of movement. Doing ability is a strong point with S135, note the width across the chest floor and her adequate even fat cover. For a heifer her muscling is very acceptable and she does have the pelvic shape and capacity preferred at Dulverton. S135’s hips and pins are wide, the thurl bones are also set wide enabling the pins to be set below the level of the hips promoting the natural unimpeded birth process to occur.

Dulverton Dell S135 is by the Chiltern Park Moe son Waitara Princeton P90, we purchased P90 to complement our Moe A.I. Matings. Where possible we do like using a son of our intended A.I. Sire from an outside herd to follow the A.I. In this instance we were matching Moe and his son Princeton P90. In this years Bull Sale we do offer twelve (12) sons of Moe Derivation, eight (8) by Moe and four (4) by his son P90.

Dulverton Dell S135’s maternal pedigree includes C. Gun Smoke J134, J134’s pedigree is stacked with carcass marbling champions 036, GAR Sleep Easy, Summitcrest Scotchcap OB45, Booroomooka Tracy T4, GT Expo, Summitcrest Blackcap Mary E210.
S135’s dam Dell N101 and maternal grand dam Dell G057 are both still active in the herd, G057 has reared nine (9) performance recorded progeny plus T365 recently weaned. Dell G057’s dam Z123 by that longevity promoter from the Bill Rischell herd, New Frontier 095 also reared nine (9) performance recorded progeny. The Dell line traces traces back to its founding dam Tulagi Dell X36 and includes two Dulverton USA embryo imports in D. Quantum Leap Q16 and D. Leviathan L59

Seems like D. Dell S135 just might be that little bit special.


  1. Born 2/08/2021 by Waitara Princeton P90 from D. Dell N101
  2. Weaned 22/02/2022 there were 35 heifers in her rearing mob,
    Weaning Weight: 295kg. Gain Birth to Weaning: 1.44kg/day
    Adjusted Gain Birth to Weaning: 1.51kg/day (4yr old dams +5%)
  3. Joining. Joining weight at 3/10/22  429kg.
    A.I. 13/10/22.  Dulverton Smart Missile S068. Lot 2
    Mop Up Sire. Dulverton Smart Missile S068. Lot2
  4. Pregnancy Check
    Scanned by Dr. Matt Pope Glen Innes Vet Clinic 18/02/23  Diagnosed 11/12 weeks
    Pregnant to Lot2 Dulverton Smart Missile S068
  5. Scan Data
    Scanned by Mr. Roger Evans 28/02/23
    Weight 586kg.  1.03kg/day from birth
    P8 Fat: 17mm  Rib Fat: 10mm; EMA:; IMF% 8.2%; IMF% Distribution 5+
  6. Treatments
    Treated 3/05/23
    Fasinez 240; Selovin; Cydectin Platinum; Stampede: 7 in 1 Booster
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